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由于地下水突涌风险,地下空间在施工作业中有必要通过抽水试验确定承压含水层的水文地质参数。依据勘察报告的初步评价,基坑开挖15.5m时,场地内第⑦1层承压含水层有可能产生突涌,为确保工程安全施工,需开挖前进行承压含水层抽水试验,取得场地承压含水层水文地质参数及降水引起的沉降特征,为地下空间设计和施工提供可靠依据。本次布设抽水井、观测井、分层沉降标组、孔隙水压力观测孔及地面沉降观测点,依据抽水试验技术要求获取渗透系数、抽水影响半径等相关水文地质参数。最后,针对工程场地内承压水情况及特点进行分析,提出基坑开挖时的承压水降压建议方案。  相似文献   
本文以渭河盆地地温场为研究对象,在收集补充新地热井资料及分析测试样品的基础上,通过盆地深部结构、构造特征、地温场特征、热储层特征、地热资源量等分析,建立了盆地不同岩性岩石热导率与深度关系图版,确定了盆地地温场变化规律及地热田控制因素,提出了渭河盆地地热田形成模式。评价了盆地地热资源有利区,为盆地后续的开发利用提供了理论支持。研究认为渭河盆地热地温梯度分布在2.34~5.85℃/100m之间,平均地温梯度为3.50℃/100m,代表性大地热流68.33mw/m~2,地温梯度及不同深度地层温度具有东高西低、南高北低的特点。热导率总体上具有随深度的增加,逐渐增大的规律,热导率随深度增加主要受压实程度增强控制。相同深度条件下泥岩热导率最低,砂岩热导率居中、白云岩热导率最高。渭河盆地主要为层状地热田,盆地内地热通过热传导及热对流两种方式进行传递,以热传导为主。渭河盆地地热资源丰富,热储层可分为三种类型:①新生界砂岩孔隙型;②下古生界碳酸盐岩岩溶型;③断裂型。渭河盆地地热资源有利区主要分布于西安凹陷、固市凹陷。盆地地温场及地热田分布与莫霍面、软流圈上隆、岩石圈厚度减薄的深部背景密切相关,主要受地热传导和深大断裂热对流控制,是岩石圈深部结构、盆地构造、基底岩性、储盖组合等多因素共同作用下形成的。最后结合当前渭河盆地地热资源开发利用现状及存在问题,提出了地热开发利用建议。  相似文献   
中国耕地土壤相对湿度时空分异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以全国653个农业气象站1993-2013年耕地的土壤相对湿度数据为基础,运用地统计方法,分析中国耕地土壤相对湿度时空分异特征与规律。结果表明:自1993年以来全国耕地的土壤相对湿度呈现波动上升趋势。全国耕地的土壤相对湿度普遍大于60%,分布区域自4月中旬开始随夏季风推移不断向北向西扩大,自10月下旬开始向东、南方向缩小。耕地土壤相对湿度值随土壤深度的增加而增加。年际尺度上,耕地的土壤相对湿度在夏秋季上升速度最快,变化幅度随土层深度增加而变小。土壤相对湿度与降水量存在较强的正相关关系,与潜在蒸发量、气温普遍存在较强的负相关关系。土壤相对湿度与各气象要素的相关性随深度加深而减弱。春、夏、秋季气象因素对旱地土壤相对湿度影响较大,冬季气象因素对水田影响更大。  相似文献   
在城镇化进程中,城市与近郊之间通过职住、货运、游憩等活动产生越来越紧密的交互联系,对于这些交互联系的准确识别和定量刻画,是理解城乡空间关系的重要手段,也能为城市的资源有效配置与合理规划提供重要的现状信息。本文通过对全北京在一日之内的手机信令数据所反映的人群移动轨迹的深入分析,融合城市的POI信息形成顾及人类活动时空信息的空间交互类型推断。以北京市为例,对城市中心与近郊之间远距离的强交互进行定性、定量和定位的探索。本文发现了北京市多尺度下空间交互模式和距离衰减规律,判断了城乡异常交互类型,对比了城乡之间和城市内部的交互模式的异同,以及基于交互类型视角提取了城乡异常交互的空间特征。研究认为,基于手机信令数据,利用停留点提取和高斯核密度估计的空间交互类型推断有效地发现了北京市周末的远距离出行类型特点,提取了其空间交互强度和空间特征,揭示了基于人类活动的北京市周末城乡交互模式。  相似文献   
随着国内外大跨桥梁特别是跨海桥梁建设的迅速发展,沉井基础在桥梁基础中所占的比例越来越大。虽然沉井基础作为1种刚性基础具有良好的力学性能,然而震害实践表明沉井基础在地震作用下也并非万无一失。通过分析国内外典型桥梁沉井基础的震害特征发现,沉井基础的地震破坏与桩基础有显著差异,且与埋置深度有直接关系;研究表明:地震作用下沉井基础的破坏机理及地基承载力与静力作用下明显不同,但目前在该方面的研究还较为欠缺;总结和对比了现有几种沉井基础-土相互作用研究方法,并分析了几种研究方法的优缺点和适用场合;同时也归纳和对比了各国抗震规范对桥梁沉井基础的基本规定、适用范围、计算方法和构造规定等方面的内容。最后结合现有的研究现状对沉井基础抗震性能研究的发展方向进行了展望,此外,随着我国跨海、跨江及跨库区大跨桥梁建设的发展,地震力和波浪力等多灾害因素共同作用下深水沉井基础桥梁破坏机理及设计方法的研究势在必行。  相似文献   
The undrained bearing capacity of shallow circular piles in non-homogeneous and anisotropic clay is investigated by the lower bound (LB) finite element limit analysis (FELA) under two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric condition using second-order cone programming, and the new solution of the problem is presented. Modified from the isotropic von Mises yield criterion, a cross-anisotropic undrained strength criterion of clays under the axisymmetric state of stress requiring three input shear strengths in triaxial compression, direct simple shear, and triaxial extension is employed in the 2D axisymmetric LB FELA. Parametric studies on the effects of pile embedment ratio, dimensionless strength gradient, anisotropic strength ratio, and pile roughness are investigated extensively, while the predicted failure mechanisms associated with these parameters are discussed and compared. Numerical results of undrained end bearing capacity of shallow circular piles are summarized in the form of design tables that are useful for design practice and represent a new contribution to the field of pile capacity considering the combined effects of undrained strength non-homogeneity and anisotropy.  相似文献   
The boundary faults of faulted basins generally have segmental growth characteristics. Quantitative analysis of fault growth processes and combined models is of great significance for basin formation and evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. Taking the Fulongquan fault depression in the southern part of the Songliao Basin as an example, using the 3D seismic data and using the fault-displacement length analysis method, the segmental growth and evolution process of the boundary fault is systematically studied, and the control effect of the spatial and temporal differential evolution of boundary faults on faulted basins is analyzed. The study shows that the segmental growth control of the boundary fault of Fulongquan fault depression forms a series of semi-mantle shoals; the sedimentary center of the Shahezi-Yingcheng fault is controlled to migrate from south to north; The slanting and thrusting activities control the height of the anticline trap; the transformation of the boundary fault property controls the evolution of the basin's tectonic pattern from the tandem semi-mantle to the faulted anticline.  相似文献   
伊朗扎格罗斯造山带是世界上最年轻的造山带之一,前人对其构造演化历史的研究尚存争议。前陆盆地蕴藏着丰富的造山带热史信息,为研究造山带的隆升和剥露历史提供了重要途径。本研究选取位于扎格罗斯前陆盆地前缘中部的Kuh- E Bedush向斜和Kuh- E Murdeh向斜翼部出露的第三纪陆相红层(Agha Jari组)为研究对象,共采集11个粗砂岩样品进行磷灰石(U- Th)/He测试分析。11个样品共得到38个单颗粒年龄,年龄区间为0. 8~79. 9Ma。大部分样品的单颗粒年龄比较分散,表明这些样品没有发生完全热重置。相反,位于Murdeh向斜剖面最底部的样品,(U- Th)/He年龄小于其对应的地层年龄,并且集中分布在8. 3~6. 8Ma,表明该样品发生了完全重置并记录了最后一次剥露事件的时间。因此,我们认为扎格罗斯前陆盆地于晚中新世~7. 5 Ma经历了一期快速剥露事件。此外,我们发现未重置的(U- Th)/He年龄大致分布在四个时间段:晚白垩纪—早古新世、早—中始新世、渐新世、早—中中新世。根据所得热年龄并结合前人研究设定了三种不同的热史,正演模拟结果与实际样品拟合较好,由此推断出前陆中部Agha Jari陆相红层沉积物可能来自于:①晚白垩世以来以蛇绿岩套为主的仰冲体持续剥露;②萨南达季- 锡尔詹变质带(SSZ)渐新世和中新世逐渐加速的剥露;③渐新世末堆积在仰冲体之上的同造山期砾岩,在中新世的大规模逆冲作用下重新剥露。  相似文献   
Crack nucleation has been the subject of important contributions in the last two last decades. However, it seems that few attention has been granted to the case of saturated porous media. This is the question addressed in the present paper which is devoted to nucleation in traction mode. From a physical point of view, nucleation is a sudden phenomenon, so that the material response is both adiabatic and undrained. In the spirit of the variational approach, the nucleated crack is viewed as the final state of a region of space in which the material undergoes a full damage process. In traction mode, the opening of a saturated crack in undrained condition induces a drop of fluid pressure. In case of low fluid compressibility, the presence of the fluid delays the brittle failure usually associated with nucleation, as long as the fluid pressure remains above the saturation vapor pressure. Nucleation is therefore possible only if a partial vaporization of the fluid takes place.  相似文献   
We developed a seismic geomorphology-based procedure to enhance traditional trajectory analysis with the ability to visualize and quantify lateral variability along carbonate prograding-margin types (ramps and rimmed shelves) in 3D and 4D. This quantitative approach analysed the shelf break geometric evolution of the Oligo-Miocene carbonate clinoform system in the Browse Basin and delineated the feedback between antecedent topography and carbonate system response as controlling factor on shelf break rugosity. Our geometrical analysis identified a systematic shift in the large-scale average shelf break strike direction over a transect of 10 km from 62° to 55° in the Oligo-Miocene interval of the Browse Basin, which is likely controlled by far-field allogenic forcing from the Timor Trough collision zone. Plotting of 3D shelf break trajectories represents a convenient way to visualize the lateral variability in shelf break evolution. Shelf break trajectories that indicate contemporaneous along-strike progradation and retrogradation correlate with phases of autogenic slope system re-organization and may be a proxy for morphological stability of the shelf break. Shelf break rugosity and shelf break trajectory rugosity are not inherited parameters and antecedent topography does not dictate long-term differential movement of the shelf margin through successive depositional sequences. The autogenic carbonate system response to antecedent topography smooths high-rugosity areas by filling accommodation and maintains a relatively constant shelf break rugosity of ~150 m. Color-coding of the vertical component in the shelf break trajectory captures the creation and filling of accommodation, and highlights areas of the transect that are likely to yield inconsistent 2D sequence stratigraphic interpretations.  相似文献   
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